Love Letters to Yourself: Valentines Day Journal Prompts on Love and Connection

Happy Valentine's Day!

We want to take this opportunity to provide you with some journal prompts all around love and connection. Take a moment this week and reflect on your relationships, practice gratitude, and give yourself some love.

Love and Self-Love

  1. What does love mean to you, and how do you express it in your life?

  2. Reflect on a moment when you felt deeply loved. What made that experience special?

  3. List three things you love about yourself, both internally and externally.

  4. Explore the concept of self-love. How do you prioritise self-care in your daily life?

  5. Write a letter to your younger self, offering words of love and encouragement.


  6. Describe your ideal relationship, whether romantic or platonic. What qualities are essential to you?

  7. Reflect on a challenging moment in a relationship. How did you navigate it, and what did you learn from the experience?

  8. Write about a time when someone showed you kindness in a relationship. How did it impact you?

  9. Explore the different types of love in your life (family, friends, romantic). How do they contribute to your overall well-being?

  10. Consider the role of forgiveness in relationships. Is there someone you need to forgive, or is there forgiveness you need to offer yourself?

    Being Single

  11. List three positive aspects of being single that you appreciate. How does single hood contribute to your personal growth?

  12. Write about a solo adventure or activities that brought you joy and fulfilment.

  13. Reflect on societal expectations around being single. How do you navigate these expectations and embrace your single status?

  14. Explore the concept of self-partnership. How can you be the best partner to yourself?

  15. If you could give advice to someone newly single, what wisdom would you share about self-discovery and growth?


  16. Reflect on a meaningful connection or friendship. What quantities make it special, and how des it contribute to your life?

  17. Write about the qualities you value in your closest relationships and why they are important to you.

  18. Consider the role of kindness in your relationships. How do acts of kindness impact your connections with others=

  19. Explore the idea of soul connections. Have you experienced a connection with someone that felt deeper than words? Describe it.

  20. Reflect on a time when you felt a strong sense of community or belonging. What contributed to that feeling?

    Acts of Kindness

  21. List three small, meaningful ways you can show love and kindness to others today. How do these acts contribute to your sense of purpose?

With love,

your AMITY team


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